Author Guide

International Journal of Scientific Methods in Intelligence Engineering Networks (IJSMIEN) is an International Refereed, Peer-Reviewed Open Access journal having e-ISSN: 2583-8113, published by the GSE Publications to promote High Quality Scientific Research Methods in Artificial Intelligence Engineering and Artificial Intelligence Technology. Since its inception, IJSMIEN has been published monthly, in the months of January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, and December.

Before Submission:Authors or Academicians, Research Scholars, and Contributors should read our information about the International Journal of Scientific Methods in Intelligence Engineering Networks (IJSMIEN) on the Journal Website before submitting Articles to the International Journal of Scientific Methods in Intelligence Engineering Networks (IJSMIEN). Articles written in a format other than MS Word will not be accepted for review. Save files that are compatible with multiple versions of Microsoft Word (avoid document extensions other than *.doc, *.docx).

Terms of Submission: Submission of an article implies that the work described has not previously beenpublished (except in the form of an abstract, a published lecture, an academic thesis,or a review), that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere, that itspublication is approved by all authors and the responsible authorities where the workwas carried out, and that, if accepted.

Originality Check: To ensure originality, your article may be checked using the Crossref Similarity Check/Turnitin software. Similarity or plagiarism of up to 20% is allowed excludingreferences. IJSMIEN strictly adheres to its plagiarism policy.

Peer Review Process: This journal has a single blind review process in place. The Editor will initially evaluateall contributions or submissions for suitability/originality for the journal. Papers that aredeemed suitable/original are typically sent to at least two independent expertreviewers to evaluate the scientific quality of the paper. The Editor makes the finaldecision on whether or not to accept or reject an article. Submissions will beconsidered by an Editor if they have not been rejected by peer reviewers, theidentities of whom will be kept anonymous to the authors.

Submission Types: Authors or Academicians, Research Scholars and Contributors can be submitted HighQuality Original Research Articles and Survey Articles or Manuscripts continually throughout the year by Online Submission System (OSS) of IJSMIEN. Authors are advised to submit thier manuscript through Online Submission System(OSS) of IJSMIEN to speed up the peer review process.

Manuscripts/Articles Structure:
Title and Authorship Information:
The following information should be included in Manuscript/Article while preparing itsstructure. The entire Manuscript/Article should be written in English Language withTimes New Roman font face.
Paper Title (Font size:18 pt Bold), Author's full name(Font size:14-pt Bold)
Full institutional Mailing Addresses(Font size:12-pt)
Corresponding Author Email (Font size:12-pt)

ABSTRACT(14 pt Bold):
The manuscript should contain an abstract. The abstract should be self-contained andcitation-free and should not exceed 350 words. The abstract should state the purpose,approach, results and conclusions of the work. The abstract should be intelligible andcomplete in itself (no numerical references); it should not cite figures, tables, orsections of the paper.The ABSTRACT is bold of size 14-pt, the line space between thelines is set as 1.15pt. The Line Space 1.15pt must be followed in the main content ofthe manuscript from the ABSTRACT onwards. The page size here is Letter (8.5x11in) and Left, Right and Top Margins are kept at 2cm and bottom margin is kept at 1.5cm.All text in manuscript is of 12pt.
Keywords (12 pt Bold):
keep; any; six keywords; separate each; keyword bysemicolon; Do not bold keywords
Maximum of Six Keywords (for the purposes of indexing) should be supplied belowthe abstract.
The manuscript May contain the following sections:


Headings and Format:

All Main heading must be bold and 14pt, Capital letters. The information providedunder this section must be of font 12pt with line spacing of 1.15pt. All information must be properly cited by the references. All manuscripts are checked initially for theformat, if the manuscript is not prepared based on our authors guide then withoutinitial screening it will get rejected or ask to resubmit with proper format as per thejournal guide. First line should start with one tab space. All text must be justified. All sub heading must be bold and 12pt, Small letters. The information provided under thissection must be of font 12pt with line spacing of 1.15pt.

Figures, Photos, Tables, and Equations:
A figure or photo should be labeled with "Fig.” and a table with “Table.” It must beassigned with Arabic numerals as a figure or a table number; the figure number andcaption should be placed below the figure or photo. The first letter of the captionshould be in capital letters. (Example: Fig.1) The first letter of the description followingit should be in capital letters. (Example: Fig.1: The experimental Setup.) The tablenumber and caption should be placed at the top of the table. Use Table 1: format as amodel for your tables. Be careful to keep the same aspect for all the tables in thearticle despite the number of columns. Equations should be typed with equation toolbars available and do not paste the screen shots of equations. Equation Numberingexample: ax+bx+c=0…….(1), (2)….etc with left alignment. Photos and Figure shouldbe of type JPEG, PNG only.

All references must be cited with [1], [1-5], [1-2]… with font size of 11pt and allreferences must be validated before keeping them in the reference section. All references must be provided in APA style only. The sample reference styles are givenbelow with font size of references is 11pt.
Reference to a journal publication:
[1] Gopatoti, A., Billa, P., Gopathoti, K. K. (2020). Approximation Layer basedWeighted Average Image Fusion using Guided Filter for Medical Images. InternationalJournal of Scientific Methods in Intelligence Engineering Networks, 11(3):122-126.
Reference to a journal publication with an article number:
[2] Gao, K., Su, J., Jiang, Z., Zeng, L. L., Feng, Z., Shen, H., ... & Hu, D. (2021). Dual-branch combination network (DCN): Towards accurate diagnosis and lesionsegmentation of COVID-19 using CT images. Medical image analysis, 67, ArticleID101836.
Reference to a book:
[3] Hawthorne, J., & Manley, D. (2012). The reference book. Oxford University Press.
Reference to a chapter in an edited book:
[4] Walther, C. C. (2021). Development and Connection in the Time of COVID-19.Development and Connection in the Time of COVID-19.

Reference to a website: [5]
Slat, B. (2019, April 10). Whales likely impacted by Great Pacific garbage patch.The Ocean Cleanup. patch/
Reference to a dataset:
[6] M. Oguro, S. Imahiro, S. Saito, T. Nakashizuka (2015). Mortality data for Japaneseoak wilt disease and surrounding forest compositions, Mendeley Data, v1.

If and when the manuscript is accepted for publication, the authors agree to theautomatic transfer of the copyright to the publisher; that the manuscript will not bepublished elsewhere in any language without the consent of the copyright holders;that the authors obtain written permission from the copyright holders for material usedfrom other copyrighted sources; and that any costs associated with the manuscript willbe borne by the authors. Authors can learn more about copyrights by reading about our IJSMIEN Ethics and Policies.

IJSMIEN Manuscript Template File: All submissions of Manuscript/ Articlesshould strictly follow the template of IJSMIEN, it can be download fromdownloads in journal website.

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